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Learn With Us

Whether you want to become a beekeeper, or simply curious about bees and their positive impact on the environment, Everett's Bees provides a variety of educational opportunities. Successful beekeeping starts with geographical location, and we have modified our learning sessions to be based on just that! Take full advantage of learning locally and not just what you see online.


Apiary Tour

Come take a tour of one of our apiaries and get an idea of what beekeeping is all about!


Make this a fun-filled family activity with the added bonus of learning about one of nature's most necessary creatures. We provide amazing facts, show you all the elements of a hive, and even provide you the opportunity to "suit up" and see the bees in action! Don't miss out on this unique experience, and book your tour today!


Beekeeping Courses

Ready to be a Beekeeper? Take advantage of our success and failures and the lessons we've learned. We provide you with private sessions that will guide you on your journey from novice to expert. You decide just how far you want to go! This is not your typical course. No more watching videos or listening to someone ramble on in a classroom environment. These courses are hands-on and allow you to learn by doing! We provide sessions that focus on the following:


  • Starting Up

  • Working Through the Seasons

  • Honey and Wax Harvesting

  • Feeding

  • Overwintering

  • Swarm Control and Catching Swarms

  • Hive Splitting

  • Agriculture

  • Queen Rearing

  • Pest Control

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